

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Demotic \De*mot"ic\, a. [Gr. dhmotiko`s, fr. dh^mos the people:
   cf. F. d['e]motique.]
   Of or pertaining to the people; popular; common.

   {Demotic alphabet} or {character}, a form of writing used in
      Egypt after six or seven centuries before Christ, for
      books, deeds, and other such writings; a simplified form
      of the hieratic character; -- called also {epistolographic
      character}, and {enchorial character}. See {Enchorial}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: of or written in or belonging to the form of modern Greek
            based on colloquial use
     2: of or for the common people; "demotic entertainments";
        "demotic speech"; "a poet with a keen ear for demotic
     n : the modern Greek vernacular [syn: {Romaic}]
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