

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Comedy \Com"e*dy\, n.; pl. {Comedies}. [F. com['e]die, L.
   comoedia, fr. Gr. ?; ? a jovial festivity with music and
   dancing, a festal procession, an ode sung at this procession
   (perh. akin to ? village, E. home) + ? to sing; for comedy
   was originally of a lyric character. See {Home}, and {Ode}.]
   A dramatic composition, or representation of a bright and
   amusing character, based upon the foibles of individuals, the
   manners of society, or the ludicrous events or accidents of
   life; a play in which mirth predominates and the termination
   of the plot is happy; -- opposed to tragedy.

         With all the vivacity of comedy.         --Macaulay.

         Are come to play a pleasant comedy.      --Shak.
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