
Carthamus tinctorius

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Safflower \Saf"flow`er\, n. [F. safleur, saflor, for safran,
   influenced by fleur flower. See {Saffron}, and {Flower}.]
   1. (Bot.) An annual composite plant ({Carthamus tinctorius}),
      the flowers of which are used as a dyestuff and in making
      rouge; bastard, or false, saffron.

   2. The dried flowers of the {Carthamus tinctorius}.

   3. A dyestuff from these flowers. See {Safranin}
      (b) .

   {Oil of safflower}, a purgative oil expressed from the seeds
      of the safflower.

Safflower \Saf"flow`er\, n. [F. safleur, saflor, for safran,
   influenced by fleur flower. See {Saffron}, and {Flower}.]
   1. (Bot.) An annual composite plant ({Carthamus tinctorius}),
      the flowers of which are used as a dyestuff and in making
      rouge; bastard, or false, saffron.

   2. The dried flowers of the {Carthamus tinctorius}.

   3. A dyestuff from these flowers. See {Safranin}
      (b) .

   {Oil of safflower}, a purgative oil expressed from the seeds
      of the safflower.

Carthamin \Car"tha*min\, n. (Chem.)
   A red coloring matter obtained from the safflower, or
   {Carthamus tinctorius}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

Carthamus tinctorius
     n : thistlelike Eurasian plant widely grown for its red or
         orange flower heads and seeds that yield a valuable oil
         [syn: {safflower}, {false saffron}]
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