
Cart load

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Cart \Cart\, n. [AS. cr[ae]t; cf. W. cart, Ir. & Gael. cairt, or
   Icel. kartr. Cf. {Car}.]
   1. A common name for various kinds of vehicles, as a Scythian
      dwelling on wheels, or a chariot. ``Ph[oe]bus' cart.''

   2. A two-wheeled vehicle for the ordinary purposes of
      husbandry, or for transporting bulky and heavy articles.

            Packing all his goods in one poor cart. --Dryden.

   3. A light business wagon used by bakers, grocerymen,
      butchers, etc.

   4. An open two-wheeled pleasure carriage.

   {Cart horse}, a horse which draws a cart; a horse bred or
      used for drawing heavy loads.

   {Cart load}, or {Cartload}, as much as will fill or load a
      cart. In excavating and carting sand, gravel, earth, etc.,
      one third of a cubic yard of the material before it is
      loosened is estimated to be a cart load.

   {Cart rope}, a stout rope for fastening a load on a cart; any
      strong rope.

   {To} {put (or get or set)} {the cart before the horse}, to
      invert the order of related facts or ideas, as by putting
      an effect for a cause.
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