

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Carpophyte \Car"po*phyte\ (k[add]r"p[-o]*l[imac]t), n. [Gr.
   karpo`s fruit + fyto`n plant.] (Bot.)
   A flowerless plant which forms a true fruit as the result of
   fertilization, as the red seaweeds, the {Ascomycetes}, etc.

   Note: The division of alg[ae] and fungi into four classes
         called Carpophytes, O["o]phytes, Protophytes, and
         Zygophytes (or Carpospore[ae], O["o]spore[ae],
         Protophyta, and Zygospore[ae]) was proposed by Sachs
         about 1875.
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