
Carp mullet

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Carp \Carp\, n.; pl. {Carp}, formerly {Carps}. [Cf. Icel. karfi,
   Dan. karpe, Sw. karp, OHG. charpho, G. karpfen, F. carpe, LL.
   carpa.] (Zo["o]l.)
   A fresh-water herbivorous fish ({Cyprinus carpio}.). Several
   other species of {Cyprinus}, {Catla}, and {Carassius} are
   called carp. See {Cruclan carp}.

   Note: The carp was originally from Asia, whence it was early
         introduced into Europe, where it is extensively reared
         in artificial ponds. Within a few years it has been
         introduced into America, and widely distributed by the
         government. Domestication has produced several
         varieties, as the leather carp, which is nearly or
         quite destitute of scales, and the mirror carp, which
         has only a few large scales. Intermediate varieties

   {Carp louse} (Zo["o]l.), a small crustacean, of the genus
      {Argulus}, parasitic on carp and allied fishes. See

   {Carp mullet} (Zo["o]l.), a fish ({Moxostoma carpio}) of the
      Ohio River and Great Lakes, allied to the suckers.

   {Carp sucker} (Zo["o]l.), a name given to several species of
      fresh-water fishes of the genus Carpiodes in the United
      States; -- called also quillback.
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