

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Belly \Bel"ly\ (b[e^]l"l[y^]), n.; pl. {Bellies} (-l[i^]z). [OE.
   bali, bely, AS. belg, b[ae]lg, b[ae]lig, bag, bellows, belly;
   akin to Icel. belgr bag, bellows, Sw. b["a]lg, Dan. b[ae]lg,
   D. & G. balg, cf. W. bol the paunch or belly, dim. boly, Ir.
   bolg. Cf. {Bellows}, {Follicle}, {Fool}, {Bilge}.]
   1. That part of the human body which extends downward from
      the breast to the thighs, and contains the bowels, or
      intestines; the abdomen.

   Note: Formerly all the splanchnic or visceral cavities were
         called bellies; -- the lower belly being the abdomen;
         the middle belly, the thorax; and the upper belly, the
         head. --Dunglison.

   2. The under part of the body of animals, corresponding to
      the human belly.

            Underneath the belly of their steeds. --Shak.

   3. The womb. [Obs.]

            Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee.
                                                  --Jer. i. 5.

   4. The part of anything which resembles the human belly in
      protuberance or in cavity; the innermost part; as, the
      belly of a flask, muscle, sail, ship.

            Out of the belly of hell cried I.     --Jonah ii. 2.

   5. (Arch.) The hollow part of a curved or bent timber, the
      convex part of which is the back.

   {Belly doublet}, a doublet of the 16th century, hanging down
      so as to cover the belly. --Shak.

   {Belly fretting}, the chafing of a horse's belly with a
      girth. --Johnson.

   {Belly timber}, food. [Ludicrous] --Prior.

   {Belly worm}, a worm that breeds or lives in the belly
      (stomach or intestines). --Johnson.
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