

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Battel \Bat"tel\, n. [Of uncertain etymology.]
   Provisions ordered from the buttery; also, the charges for
   them; -- only in the pl., except when used adjectively.
   [Univ. of Oxford, Eng.]

Battel \Bat"tel\, v. i.
   To be supplied with provisions from the buttery. [Univ. of
   Oxford, Eng.]

Battel \Bat"tel\, v. t. [Cf. {Batful}, {Batten}, v. i.]
   To make fertile. [Obs.] ``To battel barren land.'' --Ray.

Battel \Bat"tel\, a.
   Fertile; fruitful; productive. [Obs.]

         A battel soil for grain, for pasture good. --Fairfax.

Battel \Bat"tel\, n. [Obs. form. of {Battle}.] (Old Eng. Law)
   A single combat; as, trial by battel. See {Wager of battel},
   under {Wager}.
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