
Archimedes' screw

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Archimedean \Ar`chi*me*de"an\, a. [L. Archimedeus.]
   Of or pertaining to Archimedes, a celebrated Greek
   philosopher; constructed on the principle of Archimedes'
   screw; as, Archimedean drill, propeller, etc.

   {Archimedean screw}, or {Archimedes' screw}, an instrument,
      said to have been invented by Archimedes, for raising
      water, formed by winding a flexible tube round a cylinder
      in the form of a screw. When the screw is placed in an
      inclined position, and the lower end immersed in water, by
      causing the screw to revolve, the water is raised to the
      upper end. --Francis.
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