
Actaea spicata

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Herb \Herb\ (?; 277), n. [OE. herbe, erbe, OF. herbe, erbe, F.
   herbe, L. herba; perh. akin to Gr. forbh` food, pasture,
   fe`rbein to feed.]
   1. A plant whose stem does not become woody and permanent,
      but dies, at least down to the ground, after flowering.

   Note: Annual herbs live but one season; biennial herbs flower
         the second season, and then die; perennial herbs
         produce new stems year after year.

   2. Grass; herbage.

            And flocks Grazing the tender herb.   --Milton.

   {Herb bennet}. (Bot.) See {Bennet}.

   {Herb Christopher} (Bot.), an herb ({Act[ae]a spicata}),
      whose root is used in nervous diseases; the baneberry. The
      name is occasionally given to other plants, as the royal
      fern, the wood betony, etc.

   {Herb Gerard} (Bot.), the goutweed; -- so called in honor of
      St. Gerard, who used to be invoked against the gout. --Dr.

   {Herb grace}, or {Herb of grace}. (Bot.) See {Rue}.

   {Herb Margaret} (Bot.), the daisy. See {Marguerite}.

   {Herb Paris} (Bot.), an Old World plant related to the
      trillium ({Paris quadrifolia}), commonly reputed

   {Herb Robert} (Bot.), a species of {Geranium} ({G.
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