

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Acrimony \Ac"ri*mo*ny\, n.; pl. {Acrimonies}. [L. acrimonia, fr.
   acer, sharp: cf. F. acrimonie.]
   1. A quality of bodies which corrodes or destroys others;
      also, a harsh or biting sharpness; as, the acrimony of the
      juices of certain plants. [Archaic] --Bacon.

   2. Sharpness or severity, as of language or temper;
      irritating bitterness of disposition or manners.

            John the Baptist set himself with much acrimony and
            indignation to baffle this senseless arrogant
            conceit of theirs.                    --South.

   Syn: {Acrimony}, {Asperity}, {Harshness}, {Tartness}.

   Usage: These words express different degrees of angry feeling
          or language. Asperity and harshness arise from angry
          feelings, connected with a disregard for the feelings
          of others. Harshness usually denotes needless severity
          or an undue measure of severity. Acrimony is a biting
          sharpness produced by an imbittered spirit. Tartness
          denotes slight asperity and implies some degree of
          intellectual readiness. Tartness of reply; harshness
          of accusation; acrimony of invective.

                In his official letters he expressed, with great
                acrimony, his contempt for the king's character.

                It is no very cynical asperity not to confess
                obligations where no benefit has been received.

                A just reverence of mankind prevents the growth
                of harshness and brutality.       --Shaftesbury.
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